Five Focus Topics For High School SEL Lessons

When you try to teach a student social-emotional learning (SEL), you are faced with a conundrum. Which social-emotional concerns are most important? When you learn to focus your lesson plans on specific concepts, your plans will be much more focused on topics that are important to the student. You can provide specific examples, and students will see the lessons resonating within them. These are some of the SEL-based topics high school students may benefit from.

What To Know Before Planning Your Child's Gap Year Summer Abroad

Many graduating seniors look forward to high school gap year study abroad or semester at sea programs. These options can be held in Europe or in various parts of the world. If you are planning on your child's gap year summer abroad program, there are a few things you need to know before you start planning. Type of Program There are several types of programs to choose from when you are considering a high school gap year study abroad for your student.