Should You Enroll Your Child In Preschool?

If you're trying to decide whether or not you should enroll your child in preschool, you should know that there are many benefits to doing it. Putting your child in preschool will be helpful for not only them but for you also. While it's not always an easy choice, it ends up being an important step in your child's educational journey. A break for the parents By the time your child gets to the age that they can enroll in preschool, you may be ready for a small break from them. [Read More]

Understanding Your Options When It Comes To Public Schools

Broadly speaking, a public school is any school available to the public that receives most of its funding from the government. Public school funding can come from grants and taxes levied on homeowners and others who do business in the jurisdiction. However, more than one kind of school exists for public education. Public Charter School Many people think charter schools are private schools, but they're really public schools. Some of that confusion comes from how charter schools are set up and administered. [Read More]

3 Tips For Helping Your Little Ones Stay Motivated To Do Homework

Many kids and parents are not the biggest fans of homework. After a long day of learning, a child may complain about having to do further work when they want to grab snacks and sit in front of their screens. However, homework doesn't have to be drudgery. It can ensure your child gets the most of their education while also enjoying the learning process. Here's how you can help your kids stay motivated to do their homework. [Read More]

Kindergarten Skills: 3 Ways to Teach Your Child the Alphabet

When a child is preparing to enter kindergarten, one of the most foundational skills the child will need to have is a knowledge of the alphabet. For some children, learning the alphabet can be a challenge and can lead to frustrations. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to help your child learn their letters in a way that is not frustrating for them. The following are some ideas to consider. [Read More]